We are the South’s leading providers of modern cloud EPOS software, touchscreen kiosk services, cash registers & supplies, mobile app ordering, web ordering and cashless payment systems.
Our bespoke EPOS software solutions will provide improved service productivity, cost savings and reduction in operations.
Abacus EPOS has been established for over 30 years, from our Brighton office. Our friendly and professional team are here to assist you with every need. We have long established experience in both the Hospitality and Retail sectors, with having owned businesses in both sectors. This personal experience and our expertise allows us to advise on what equipment and software will best suit business needs; ensuring owners can focus on the business while we keep everything running smoothly. Our engineering team have extensive skills to set-up any system you require regardless of complexity. With Abacus EPOS Brighton you can rest assured that we believe in long-term, transparent relationships and can assist you in a complete integrated solution, and long term support to ensure you have the correct solution to fit your needs.
For more than three decades the Abacus EPOS name has been at the forefront and synonymous with the supply and support of a variety of till or EPOS (Electronic Point of Sale) systems and Card Payment Services, mainly to the Hospitality sector in Brighton and Hove, the wider Sussex Counties and South East.
Whilst fairly reliable, many of these systems were dated at the point of purchase, difficult to programme and certainly do not meet the demands of a fast-changing landscape, or user-friendliness required by the Smartphone generation.
So, the decision was taken to initially work with, and eventually become part of another Brighton based company Tills Plus, assisting in the development of their award-winning cloud-based EPOS system, Eposense.
For the last 3 years, Abacus EPOS customers have been upgrading their EPOS till systems to modern Eposense - EPOS software, meeting the latest industry standards, adding a greater degree of flexibility, speed, and ease of use, as well as the availability of a wide range of mobile apps and software modules to support the complexities of Dark Kitchens, Delivery Services, Mobile Ordering and COVID-19 related initiatives like the Eat Out, Help Out scheme, Help to Grow.
Read About Abacus EPOS