Abacus Epos Brighton Logo

For almost three decades the Abacus name has been at the forefront and synonymous with the supply and support of a variety of till or EPOS (Electronic Point of Sale) systems and Card Payment Services, mainly to the Hospitality sector in Brighton and Hove, the wider Sussex Counties and South East.

Whilst fairly reliable, many of these systems were dated at the point of purchase, difficult to programme and certainly do not meet the demands of a fast-changing landscape, or user-friendliness required by the Smartphone generation.

So, the decision was taken to initially work with, and eventually become part of another Brighton based company Tills Plus, assisting in the development of their award-winning cloud-based EPOS system, Eposense.

For the last 3 years, Abacus customers have been upgrading their EPOS till systems to Eposense, adding a greater degree of flexibility, speed, and ease of use, as well as the availability of a wide range of mobile apps and software modules to support the complexities of Dark Kitchens, Delivery Services, Mobile Ordering and COVID-19 related initiatives like the Eat Out, Help Out scheme.

Abacus Epos new management.

Why the change?

Keeping up with the times!
Apart from some antiquated small retail operations, Cash Registers do not exist. The whole EPOS technology world has evolved or is doing so, now at a rapid pace. Connected, flexible, easy to use systems are the way forward. Therefore, Abacus Epos has become a part of well established and modern Tills Plus with their Eposense, in-house EPOS software offering even better customer support, EPOS software and improved EPOS hardware, also offering extensive digital solutions such as business websites development, e-commerce development, mobile apps and more.

Gone are the days of high upfront costs for expensive industrial-strength till hardware and clunky outdated and inflexible software that is rarely updated, not Internet-connected without extra costs, not integrated with any other platforms or services, reliant on old Windows updates for security patches, along with optional paid Support contracts, with variable Service Level Agreements. The majority of EPOS till systems are now Cloud-based and sold on a SaaS (Software as a Service) model basis, the same way you get your Netflix streaming for a monthly subscription fee or pay for your Xero Accounting Software. Customers also want total control of their systems, less outside reliance, the ability to access them anytime from anywhere, especially when making decisions regarding pricing and availability or integration with third-party online ordering services and platforms. However, you still do need a Touchscreen and Printer of some kind, connected to the Internet, and can be accessed by your Smartphone. Support is included, most importantly your system is securely hosted on the Cloud.

So, if you find a dusty old, forlorn, and once loved Abacus EPOS system, please get in touch.

Or if you want to totally rethink how and where you take your payments and sales transactions, or just upgrade everything, please gives us a call on 01273 70 50 50.

Get in touch!